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Kaj morate delodajalci vedeti o preverjanju podatkov o PCT pogojih zaposlenih?
Epidemija COVID-19 prinaša mnoge izzive tudi na področju ustrezne obdelave osebnih podatkov v okviru delovnih razmerij. V zadnjem času je še posebej aktualno vprašanje, kako ustrezno rokovati z osebnimi podatki delavcev za namen preverjanja izpolnjevanja PCT pogojev....
Kdaj je design vašega izdelka zaščiten v EU tudi brez registracije pravice intelektualne lastnine?
Ste oblikovali inovativen videz izdelka, pa se soočate s kopiranjem oziroma ponarejanjem vašega designa s strani konkurentov? Photo by Kaboompics .com from Pexels Da bi takšne situacije najučinkoviteje preprečili, je vsekakor priporočljivo, da se videz izdelka...
Tokenizing contracts. The case of Cabernet Sauvignon
Last time, we discussed in general which types of assets can be tokenized without complex legal schemes entailing intermediary bridges with special purpose legal entities. We promised you a real case. Well, here we go with the first one. This time, we shall assess a...
Boom of NFTs – tokenization is entering a new wave: which assets can be tokenized without complex legal schemes with intermediaries?
Many projects on tokenization of real-world assets have been launched: tokenization of real estate, shares of businesses, financial products, works of art, even events or contractual rights and obligations. Under tokenization of assets, we understand creating a...